The article considers modern transformational tendencies of retail trade's channels of marketing communication with the consumer, that form the basis of transformational processes in organization of trade. It is proved that the basis for these processes was the increasing digitalization of society and each individual, expanding the impact of the Internet on society, differentiation of distribution channels of each individual retailer and the presence of certain shortcomings in existing forms of trade. Apart from that, the influence was made by changes in consumer behavior – time-saving, comfortable shopping, personalization of service and unwillingness to communicate in the process of nundination became a priority. All this became an incentive for multi-channel and cross-channel communication's rapid development and set new horizons for retail, namely the introduction of so-called seamless communication with customers. Existing loyalty programs became the basis for offline trading multi-channel and cross-channel communication. Website, address emailing of directories and promotional offers, SMS – these are the first steps of modern Ukrainian trade in the direction of multi-channel sales. It should be noted that this method of communication is quite new for our country. It requires a significant overhaul of existing business processes, significant costs for the implementation of CRM and ERP systems, new solutions for logistics systems. A single complete catalog of goods, supplemented by means of synchronization and data quality assurance, should be used. It is clear that such a restructuring requires significant costs. Yet, existing examples of omnichannel communication implementation indicate high efficiency of transformation, which is achieved by increasing sales and savings on the sales channels maintenance. In our opinion, transformational processes of marketing communication channels form a new omnichannel form of trade, which will combine both store and non-store forms of sale of goods, with integrating and combining specific features of both forms.
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Marketing Media Review, available at: https://mmr.ua/show/issledovanie_google_kak_ukraintsy_otsenivayut_pokupki_onlayn (accessed 04 November 2020).
Omni-channel retail – A Deloitte Point of View (2015), available at: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/se/Documents/technology/ (accessed 21 January 2020).