An important condition for the successful operation of the enterprise is the effective management of its costs. Automation of production processes and the introduction of information technology (IT) in organizational and managerial activities are a significant part of the cost structure of a modern company. Therefore, the problems of reducing costs due to the operation of information systems, become especially relevant in an unstable financial and economic situation. One of the promising areas for solving this problem is the use of external information resources and active involvement of external services provided by third-party specialized enterprises. The relatively recent term "cloud computing" has been used to explain the fact that information hosted on many Internet servers is hosted and processed. The emergence of the term "cloud" is considered a metaphor for the image of the Internet, with which developers tried to help investors and users understand that the calculation and storage of data is not in their home on a computer, but somewhere far away in someone else's data center, in the "cloud" . IDC analysts explain that businesses are increasingly considering "cloud" services as a more cost-effective alternative to traditional ones. After all, due to the crisis over the past year, companies have almost halved the cost of implementing IT solutions. Enterprises and institutions have to solve a difficult problem about the feasibility of the transition to the use of cloud computing. According to research, 66% of business leaders see the transition to cloud computing as a prospect, while 21% of respondents rule out such a possibility in the near future. The majority (70%) of surveyed IT executives consider cloud technologies to be strategically important for business development in Ukraine. If last year the issue of using cloud services was decided mainly by the IT department (56%), now such decisions are made with the participation of financial services and other business units in 52% of companies. The article identifies the advantages and disadvantages of implementing cloud technologies in the activities of modern enterprises. The main factor hindering the development of cloud infrastructure is the limited bandwidth of communication channels. A large-scale study of the cloud technology market found that two-thirds of respondents consider data privacy issues to be major barriers to cloud use.
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Yurii Kyrylov, Natalia Kyrychenko, Tatyana Stukan and Hanna Zhosan, Formation of Enterprise Management Strategies and Entrepreneurship Training, International Journal of Management, 11 (6), 2020, pp. 793–800, available at: http://www.iaeme.com/MasterAdmin/Journal_uploads/ijm/VOLUME_11_ISSUE_6/IJM_11_06_067.pdf (accessed 09.10. 2020)
Yuriy Kyrylov, Viktoriia Hranovska, Hanna Zhosan, Inna Dotsenko, Innovative Development of Agrarian Enterprises of Ukraine in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Solid State Technology. Volume: 63 Issue: 6. Publication Year: 2020, рр. 1430–1448. (accessed 09.10. 2020)