In this article, the author conducted a study of transaction costs of the enterprise. The basis of this study is the analysis of the concept of "transaction costs", their role in the sale of agricultural products and the search for ways to optimize transaction costs. The object of the study is the process of transaction costs in the process of selling agricultural products. The subject of the study is a set of theoretical, methodological and practical approaches to the study of transaction costs. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the work of leading domestic and foreign scientists. Based on the theoretical study, the factors of transaction costs of the enterprise are studied. The author also identified the role of transaction costs of the enterprise and ways to optimize them. The article analyzes different approaches and methods of minimizing the transaction costs of the enterprise. The author identifies the components of transaction costs of an agricultural enterprise in the process of selling products. As part of the theoretical study, the classification of types of transaction losses on sales of agricultural products. The author also investigated the evolution of transaction costs in the logistics system of the enterprise. Within the practical aspect, the article examines the process of selling agricultural products, as well as identifies the occurrence of transaction costs at each stage of the sale of agricultural products. From a practical point of view, the shortcomings in the process of selling agricultural products and the place of occurrence of transaction costs are identified. The author conducted a study of the impact, as well as the search and analysis of ways to optimize or avoid transaction costs in agricultural enterprises engaged in crop production. After a theoretical and practical study of a particular topic, the method of estimating and accounting for transaction costs is determined. The study conducted by the author made it possible to reveal the role and determine the impact of transaction costs on the efficiency of sales of agricultural products of the enterprise and to determine areas for further research on transaction management of the enterprise in the agro-industrial complex.
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