General directions and methods of financial activity of forest enterprises are considered in the article, the complex of the modernized measures that provide development of economy is presented. Modernisation of forest enterprises includes for itself the effective tax system, sufficient volumes of investing. On this time, swingeing majority of technical equipment of forest enterprises becomes antiquated, that needs the immediate updating of the newest technologies and quality equipment. It will give an opportunity to be competitive in market conditions, increase of markets of sale that in turn will allow to promote financial results. In general, the modernization of anything is based on qualitative evolution, the transition from traditional to modern, updating in accordance with the requirements of today. Structural modernisation is forming of new model of economy, that would be able to decide a task after next directions: it is an increase of efficiency of production; it is providing of competitiveness of enterprises; it is a production of competitive goods; it is a grant of high-quality services to industries of economy. A competitiveness of products of enterprise is an important factor in creation of necessary terms for realization of modernisation. Thus, a competitiveness of products is totality of her quality, consumer properties that are of interest for a consumer, distinguish her from other commodity-analogue and allow to compete at the concrete market of sale. It is known that the competitiveness of products depends on the row of factors that influence on priority of choice and determine the volume of their realization at the certain market. For an acceleration to modernisation of forest enterprises realization of measures, investment resources sent to the concentration is needed for realization of them investment and innovative programs and projects. They must be sent to the technical retooling of those productive subdivisions of enterprises, that are qualificatory in making of products with the innovative filling. Structural modernisation and increase of national competitiveness belong to main priorities of socio-economic reformation of Ukraine. Modernisation of enterprises must come true taking into account external demand for corresponding goods and services. Accordingly it will give an opportunity to turn lost and take the new markets of sale through satisfaction of their demand on innovative products. To stand on end and pass competitors - it to operate quite othergates, namely: by means of modernisation of productive activity on the basis of innovations.
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