The article states that despite many definitions of ecotourism in the scientific literature, the final definition of ecotourism has not yet been found. It is noted that there are two principal attributes of ecotourism: the nature of the route and sense of responsibility for nature. All other attributes mentioned by some authors when defining ecotourism should be considered as accompanying characteristics of ecotourism, but not as mandatory elements of the definition. In particular, this refers to the participation of local people in serving tourists, increasing local people' welfare due to ecotourism activities, as the presence of even a small number of ecotourism routes to places with no local population does not justify using this feature in the definition of the concept of ecotourism. It is emphasised that both tourism and hotel industry should contribute to the solution of regional as well as global ecological problems. The most popular places of eco-tourist routes all over the world and in Ukraine are described. It is noted that one of the most important natural resources for the development of ecotourism in Ukraine is represented by national parks the existence of which is threatened by insufficient funding, low efficiency of ecotourism activities, illegal logging, lack of effective law enforcement and environmental control. It is stated that the development of ecotourism is the result of proactive actions of market players, rather than the result of a sound regional or local planning policy. It is stated that the development of ecotourism is the result of proactive actions of market players, rather than the result of a sound regional or local planning policy. The problems of inbound and outbound tourism, in particular the lack of a reliable risk insurance system and insufficient promotion of Ukrainian tourism products abroad, have been considered. The importance of innovation in the development of the tourism and hotel industry is pointed out. The areas of eco-hotels activities are shown. Current trends that are likely to affect tourism and hotel businesses in the future have been analyzed. The results of forecasts on the recovery of the tourism and hotel markets are presented. Conclusions regarding ensuring further development of tourism and hotel activities are formulated.
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