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marketing activity
marketing management
marketing system
wholesale trade enterprises
business environment
marketing service

How to Cite

Bahorka, M., Kadyrus, I., & Yurchenko, N. (2021). MARKETING APPROACHES IN MANAGEMENT OF SALES ACTIVITY OF WHOLESALE TRADE ENTERPRISES. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (28), 7-14.


The article summarises the main approaches to the organisation of marketing activities of wholesale trade enterprises. It is established that in modern business conditions there are profound changes in approaches to sales activity of the enterprise: focus on consumer inquiries, fierce competition, essential influence of scientific and technical progress on all spheres of life have defined that the basis of sales activity of wholesale trade enterprises is marketing activity and marketing management. The problems faced by wholesalers are highlighted: problems of product policy formation, balance of interests of market participants, insufficient information on markets and new technologies, adaptation to dynamic changes in the environment, effective management of material, human resources and sales of goods. These risk factors for the operation of wholesale enterprises in conditions with a high level of uncertainty of the future. Practical recommendations for the organisation of sales activities of wholesale trade enterprises based on marketing management decisions have been developed. To ensure the efficiency of sales activities, it is proposed to carry out a number of measures: to make organisational changes within the enterprise, to ensure the management of purchasing and sales activities of the enterprise, to achieve open dialogue between process participants, to develop vertical, horizontal and integrated marketing systems. It is established that it is necessary for the company to create a marketing-oriented structure, which, along with managers, will include marketing specialists who will strengthen the work on marketing research, analytical work, the use of marketing tools. This structural unit will be able to optimise and coordinate the work between all departments of the enterprise. It is established that the introduction of a marketing approach in the practice of wholesale trade enterprises is a reserve for improving the efficiency of the available resource potential, and especially marketing to ensure its competitiveness and sustainable development.
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