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international competitiveness
efficiency of international competitiveness management
global economy
economic space

How to Cite

Kovalenko, N., Shapoval, K., & Pasichny, V. (2021). DIRECTIONS OF INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (28), 33-39.


At the present stage of development of the world economy, the deepening of the international division of labour, economic globalisation, transnationalisation of production, objective strengthening of integration processes determines the need to rapidly increase the competitiveness of international airports able to fully ensure harmonious interaction promising interstate and social relations. In conditions of global competition, the developed infrastructure of international airports is becoming a competitive advantage of the country on the world market. However, with the growth of the world economy, the expansion of air traffic, the issue of imperfect infrastructure of airport services is necessary for the balanced development of all parts in a deficit of investment. The projected increase in international air traffic per year, while limiting public funding, requires a clearly structured and flexible strategy for planning the competitiveness of international airports. Comparative analysis of a wide range of modern methodological approaches, assessment of the competitiveness of international airports, indicates the lack of generally accepted methodology, highlights the problem of identifying and streamlining evaluation criteria, selection, taking into account the impact of various elements of determinants on airport competitiveness. Management of international competitiveness of airport infrastructure should ensure the interaction of economic agents at the international level and create the necessary conditions for the development of interstate relations. With the expansion of the air transportation market, there is a new need to improve the infrastructure of international airports, the uniform development of all its parts, despite the lack of investment. The problems of transformation, increase of volumes and modernisation of airport infrastructure also concern Ukraine and require updating in connection with adaptation to standards and practices of the most competitive international airports taking into account priority integration vectors and key directions of aviation liberalisation.
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