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Kupalova, H., Artyukh, T., & Bodyakovska, A. (2021). E-COMMERCE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (28), 40-48. https://doi.org/10.36477/2522-1256-2021-28-06


The article is devoted to assessing the state of e-commerce at the global and national level in 2019-2020 during the quarantine period due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A comprehensive study of the main factors that determine the development strategies of e-commerce in conditions of uncertainty and risks in various countries of the world has been carried out. A set of recommendations are also been developed for small and medium-sized businesses, as well as at the level of state and technical regulation on the prospective development of online commerce and e-commerce in a pandemic. The article presents an analysis of the results of a survey of consumers, entrepreneurs engaged in online and offline trade on changes in the structure of consumption of goods and services, the volume of goods turnover in various forms of trade. In particular, the article explores online and offline commerce, market structure, promotion channels and problems with the delivery of goods. A forecast of the development of e-commerce in the context of a pandemic has been drawn up both at the international and national levels. The article analyses consumer preferences regarding online shopping based on various characteristics of goods and services, identifies a list of goods that make up the bulk of online shopping, establishes an increase in the use of social networks, Internet telephony and teleconferences, as well as streaming of videos and films. The authors showed the impact of the pandemic's quarantine conditions on the e-commerce industry and identified trends in changes in various fields of activity. The article contains an analysis of the most relevant international trends that reflect the specifics of the pandemic impact on the change in the dynamics of online sales, a significant fundamental shift in the structure of global demand for online purchases, the development of digital communication tools and remote consumption of goods and services. The authors proposed innovative forms of development of the e-commerce market in the field of online and offline commerce in order to increase sales in various segments of the consumer market. The article accumulates the most important and urgent measures in the direction of the development of e-commerce proposed to businesses, national governments, international and national organizations in response to the challenges of the pandemic shock.

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Бизнес по-новому: пандемия коронавируса – толчок для развития онлайн-торговли / Ліга Бізнес. URL: https://biz.liga.net/ekonomika/all/opinion/biznes-po-novomu-pandemiya-koronavirusa---tolchok-dlya-razvitiya-onlayn-torgovli

Как коронавирус повлиял на украинский бизнес и продажи // Исследование Finmap. URL: https://vctr.media/finmap-o-krizise-i-biznese-39092/

Что сейчас происходит с рынком e-commerce в Украине. URL: https://nv.ua/biz/experts/e-commerce-v-ukraine-chto-proishodit-na-rynke-vo-vremya-pandemii-koronavirusa-novosti-ukrainy-50117791.html

Change in e-commerce usage to purchase products normally bought in-store due to coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide as of March 15, 2020, by country // The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Market Studies. URL: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1105597/coronavirus-ecommerce-usage-frequency-change-by-country-worldwide/

Coronavirus (COVID-19): SME Policy Responses // OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19), OECD (2020). URL: https://read.oecd-ilibrary.org/view/?ref=119_119680-di6h3qgi4x&title=Covid-19_SME_Policy_Responses

COVID-19 Effect on Packaged Food / Euromonitor. URL: https://go.euromonitor.com/rs/805-KOK-719/images/wpCovidPackagedFood-0.4.pdf?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT1RGbU5XVmhZV0U0WmpGbCIsInQiOiI2cE1LOUV6TFJ0b3A1VXNYMU56SVZUenpBYXphUm9yaUo4d1VoSkJ4UkNhMkFZV3E1WFlQQ3JqQWtQY08zbkV3M0ZzRHdDeHlmQ3UxbFkxOFIwUHpZQVU3YXI3UDJqOHcwYXhuZkVDQUJpQ1FjUGN4Qzd6bllncXFiMW9NUnE1dSJ9

COVID-19 Impact on Global E-Commerce & Online Payments – 2020. URL: https://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/5026196/covid-19-impact-on-global-e-commerce-and-online?%0butm_source=dynamic&utm_medium=GNOM&utm_code=zbs8hz&utm_campaign=1393647+-+COVID-19+Impact+on+e-Commerce+%26+Online+Payments%2c+Worldwide%2c+2020+-+Online+Shopper+Penetration+Increases+During+the+Pandemic&utm_exec=joca220gnomd

COVID-19 will permanently change e-commerce in Denmark // Delloite. URL: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/dk/Documents/strategy/e-commerce-covid-19-onepage.pdf

E-commerce in the times of COVID-19 OECD (2020). URL: https://read.oecd-ilibrary.org/view/?ref=137_137212-t0fjgnerdb&title=E-commerce-in-the-time-of-COVID-19

Ecommerce Statistics for 2020 – Chatbots, Voice, Omni-Channel Marketing. URL: https://kinsta.com/blog/ecommerce-statistics/

E-COMMERCE, TRADE AND THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. URL: https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/covid19_e/ecommerce_report_e.pdf

Evolving Ecommerce: 14 Trends Driving Online Retail In 2020. URL: https://www.bigcommerce.com/blog/ecommerce-trends/#14-ecommerce-trends-leading-the-way

Food Supply Chains and COVID-19: Impacts and Policy Lessons // OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19). URL: http://www.oecd.org/coronavirus/policy-responses/food-supply-chains-and-covid-19-impacts-and-policy-lessons-71b57aea/

Global Ecommerce 2020. URL: https://www.emarketer.com/content/global-ecommerce-2020

How B2B sales have changed during COVID-19 / McKinsey&Company | Global management consulting. URL: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-andsales/our-insights/the-b2b-digital-inflection-point-how-sales-havechanged-during-covid-19#

Nielsen: как пандемия коронавируса изменит облик ритейла и онлайн-продаж. URL: https://rau.ua/ru/news/nielsen-koronavyrus-rytejl/

Zatonatska T. Models for analysis of impact of the e-commerce on indicators of economic development of Ukraine, Poland and Austria. Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. 2018. № 2. С. 44–53. URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Mimi_2018_2_6

Zatonatska T., Fedirko O. The Development Strategies for National Economies After Covid-19 Pandemic. Ekonomika. 2020. № 99(2). P. 92–103.

Zhylinska O., Bazhenova O., Zatonatska T., Dluhopolskyi V., Bedianashvili G., & Chornodid I. Innovation Processes and Economic Growth in the Context of European Integration. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration. 2020. № 28(3). DOI: https://doi.org/10.46585/sp28041209

Zoom Revenue and Usage Statistics. URL: https://www.businessofapps.com/data/zoom-statistics/

Business in a new way: the coronavirus pandemic – an impetus for the development of online commerce / Liga Business, available at: https://biz.liga.net/ekonomika/all/opinion/biznes-po-novomu-pandemiya-koronavirusa---tolchok-dlya-razvitiya-onlayn-torgovli

How the coronavirus affected Ukrainian business and sales // Finmap research, available at: https://vctr.media/finmap-o-krizise-i-biznese-39092/

What is happening now with the e-commerce market in Ukraine, available at: https://nv.ua/biz/experts/e-commerce-v-ukraine-chto-proishodit-na-rynke-vo-vremya-pandemii-koronavirusa-novosti-ukrainy-50117791.html

Change in e-commerce usage to purchase products normally bought in-store due to coronavirus (COVID-19) worldwide as of March 15, 2020, by country // The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Market Studies, available at: https://www.statista.com/statistics/1105597/coronavirus-ecommerce-usage-frequency-change-by-country-worldwide/

Coronavirus (COVID-19): SME Policy Responses // OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19), OECD (2020), available at: https://read.oecd-ilibrary.org/view/?ref=119_119680-di6h3qgi4x&title=Covid-19_SME_Policy_Responses

COVID-19 Effect on Packaged Food / Euromonitor, available at: https://go.euromonitor.com/rs/805-KOK-719/images/wpCovidPackagedFood-0.4.pdf?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiT1RGbU5XVmhZV0U0WmpGbCIsInQiOiI2cE1LOUV6TFJ0b3A1VXNYMU56SVZUenpBYXphUm9yaUo4d1VoSkJ4UkNhMkFZV3E1WFlQQ3JqQWtQY08zbkV3M0ZzRHdDeHlmQ3UxbFkxOFIwUHpZQVU3YXI3UDJqOHcwYXhuZkVDQUJpQ1FjUGN4Qzd6bllncXFiMW9NUnE1dSJ9

COVID-19 Impact on Global E-Commerce & Online Payments – 2020, available at: https://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/5026196/covid-19-impact-on-global-e-commerce-and-online?%0butm_source=dynamic&utm_medium=GNOM&utm_code=zbs8hz&utm_campaign=1393647+-+COVID-19+Impact+on+e-Commerce+%26+Online+Payments%2c+Worldwide%2c+2020+-+Online+Shopper+Penetration+Increases+During+the+Pandemic&utm_exec=joca220gnomd

COVID-19 will permanently change e-commerce in Denmark // Delloite, available at: https://www2.deloitte.com/content/dam/Deloitte/dk/Documents/strategy/e-commerce-covid-19-onepage.pdf

E-commerce in the times of COVID-19 OECD (2020), available at: https://read.oecd-ilibrary.org/view/?ref=137_137212-t0fjgnerdb&title=E-commerce-in-the-time-of-COVID-19

Ecommerce Statistics for 2020 – Chatbots, Voice, Omni-Channel Marketing, available at: https://kinsta.com/blog/ecommerce-statistics/

E-COMMERCE, TRADE AND THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, available at: https://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/covid19_e/ecommerce_report_e.pdf

Evolving Ecommerce: 14 Trends Driving Online Retail In 2020, available at: https://www.bigcommerce.com/blog/ecommerce-trends/#14-ecommerce-trends-leading-the-way

Food Supply Chains and COVID-19: Impacts and Policy Lessons // OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19), available at: http://www.oecd.org/coronavirus/policy-responses/food-supply-chains-and-covid-19-impacts-and-policy-lessons-71b57aea/

Global Ecommerce 2020, available at: https://www.emarketer.com/content/global-ecommerce-2020

How B2B sales have changed during COVID-19 / McKinsey&Company | Global management consulting, available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/marketing-andsales/our-insights/the-b2b-digital-inflection-point-how-sales-havechanged-during-covid-19#

Nielsen: how the coronavirus pandemic will change the face of retail and online sales, available at: https://rau.ua/ru/news/nielsen-koronavyrus-rytejl/

Zatonatska, T. (2018), “Models for analysis of impact of the e-commerce on indicators of economic development of Ukraine, Poland and Austria”, Marketing and innovation management, № 2, s. 44–53, available at: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/Mimi_2018_2_6

Zatonatska, T. and Fedirko, O. (2020), “The Development Strategies for National Economies After Covid-19 Pandemic”, Ekonomika, № 99(2), s. 92–103.

Zhylinska, O., Bazhenova, O., Zatonatska, T., Dluhopolskyi, V., Bedianashvili, G. and Chornodid, I. (2020), “Innovation Processes and Economic Growth in the Context of European Integration”, Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration, № 28(3). DOI: https://doi.org/10.46585/sp28041209

Zoom Revenue and Usage Statistics, available at: https://www.businessofapps.com/data/zoom-statistics/