The article considers the problems and prospects of Antarctic tourism development in modern conditions. The dynamics of development of this type of tourism indicates that today it is promising and in demand. The preconditions for the development of Antarctica as a tourist destination are determined. The main provisions of the Antarctic Treaty are set out. The peculiarities of the tourist season on the continent and adjacent islands are characterized. Animation programs in Antarctic tours are described. The condition and dynamics of the Antarctic tourist market development are analysed. Over the past 3 decades, tourist flows to the continent have grown steadily and reached more than 56 thousand tourists in the season 2018-2019. However, it is not possible to predict the tourists flow to Antarctica for the coming season using economic and mathematical modelling due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The structure of tourist visits to Antarctica by countries of origin of tourists is studied. The majority of tourists are US citizens (32.8%), followed by Chinese citizens (11.9%) and Australians (10%). For Ukrainian tourists, Antarctica is currently an exotic and inaccessible destination, primarily due to the cost of travel, as well as due to the considerable distance of the destination from Ukraine. The most popular tourist destinations of the continent and the main centers of tourism (polar stations, islands of Antarctica, churches, natural attractions) are characterized. The pricing policy and offers of Ukrainian tour operators on Antarctic tours are analyzed. The key problems of the local ecosystem have been identified, in particular the environmental threats associated with the development of Antarctic tourism and tourism activities on the continent. Prospects for further research in this area are substantiated.
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Tour operator “Dream Travel”. Official website, available at: https://dreamtravel.ua/cat/antarktida/turi.html.
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Abedi, M. (2018), Antarctica Keeps Attracting Visitors – and It May Be “Last-Chance Tourism”, available at: https://globalnews.ca/news/4072700/antarctica-tourism-climate-change/.
Antarctic Treaty, available at: https://www.ats.aq/.
IAATO Antarctic visitor figures 2019-2020, available at: https://iaato.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/IAATO-on-Antarctic-visitor-figures-2019-20-FINAL.pdf.
McClanahan, P. (2020), Tourism in Antarctica: Edging Toward the (Risky) Mainstream, available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/26/travel/antarctica-tourism-environment-safety.html.
Tourism in Antarctica, available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tourism_in_Antarctica.