The article considers the main challenges of the present days, which are global in nature and significantly affect the modern paradigm of economic and social life of most countries. It has been established that many of them necessitate the search for market organizational forms capable of resisting the effects of global challenges, levelling their negative diffusion on society and at the same time meeting the goals of sustainable development as an objectively necessary paradigm of functioning economic and ecological systems. It is determined that an effective organizational form in this context should be social entrepreneurship as an innovative form of entrepreneurial activity that uses resources that are not fully involved in the real sector of the economy and at the same time contributes to positive changes in economic, social and environmental areas. It is substantiated that the main global triggers for activisation of the development of social entrepreneurship are the Anthropocene and those related to the imbalance in the distribution of public goods. Based on the results of researches by modern scientists, the relationship between the functioning of social enterprises with the ideology of the public good economy and the latest aggregate macroeconomic indicators is demonstrated. In particular, the interdependence of the impact of social enterprises activities on the total value of the indicator of real progress as one that takes into account and covers not only the income of the population, but also indicators of education, living standards and health care is defined. Mutually reinforcing institutional preconditions for creation of social enterprises through the introduction of the latest practice of a number of financial institutions, investments, crowdfunding are described. The results of the study demonstrate the pragmatics of the need to intensify the development of social enterprises in order to achieve tripartism of efficiency at both macroeconomic and global levels. The prospect of further research in the context of search for recipients by social groups and market niches in order to obtain positive effects from the sociality of social enterprises in the global and local dimensions.
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