The article considers the assortment policy of the food enterprise which is the core of the action in the products sales, around which other steps are formed related to the conditions of raw materials purchase and methods of finished products promoting from producer to consumer. Assortment policy tasks are formulated to determine the advantages in increasing and diversifying the assortment of food products in the main components of its formation, optimising the assortment, which will be the best in terms of increasing profits, availability of resources, sales growth and new markets development. Skilful formation of the optimal assortment will provide the basis for effective manufacturing as well as help maintain the desired profit. The main tasks of assortment policy, advantages of diversification of food products, components of assortment formation system, including directions of its formation are determined. The issues of reduction and expansion of the assortment along with the increase of its commodity volume stabilisation, improvement and harmonisation are considered. It is recommended that after assessing the quality of goods in each of the markets it is necessary to remove unprofitable products, taking into account the combined information from all enterprises where it is manufactured, to determine real sales and economic efficiency level, which will provide the manufacturer with positive dynamics. Products that are economically inefficient may be withdrawn, although they may be in some demand. The main methods of forming the assortment of enterprise products are considered. The method of forming the assortment based on the study of the features of the product platform and the method of optimising the structure of the assortment in the presence of a number of limitations are described. The procedure for optimising the assortment of products can be reduced to solving a system of inequalities (constraints). Among the most characteristic restrictions inherent in most enterprises, we can highlight the following: restrictions on sales; restrictions on production capacity; restrictions on the availability of resources; price restrictions. Other types of restrictions can be calculated as well. The last thing to define is the optimisation criterion for the produced constraints. As a rule, the maximum marginal profit of the enterprise acts as an indicator for which the structure of the assortment is optimised.
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