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energy drinks
sales volume
level of consumption

How to Cite

Pambuk, S., Myroshnichenko, O., & Shengelaya, M. (2021). DEVELOPMENT AND TRENDS OF THE ENERGY BEVERAGE MARKET. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (28), 73-77.


The article considers the tendencies and peculiarities of the development of the market of soft energy drinks in Ukraine. During the analysis, the market share of soft drinks in categories in monetary terms, the dynamics of sales of soft energy drinks in Ukraine are considered. The level of consumption of energy drinks in Ukraine, Europe and other countries is analysed; the main market leaders are considered and characterised. The main categories of consumers of energy drinks, the main sales channels are identified and described. Both prospects and existing restrictions on the development of this market are considered. It is established that the market of energy drinks in Ukraine has a great potential and is characterised by a fairly high growth rate throughout the period, although Ukraine is still one of the countries with the lowest level of consumption of energy drinks in Europe. The market of energy drinks is characterised by a fairly high level of monopolisation. A significant share of the market falls on the products of 3 manufacturers of the group of companies "New Products", the company "Monster Beverage" and the company "Red Bull". Most of the energy drink market is controlled by domestic producers. The leading player in the energy drinks market is the group of companies "New Products" both in monetary terms and in terms of sales, due to the popularity of the brands Pit Bull and Non Stop. In total, the number of energy drink brands on the Ukrainian market exceeds two dozen. Distribution of energy drinks in Ukraine is carried out mainly through retail and wholesale networks. The main consumers of energy drinks in Ukraine are active youth and the main criterion for choosing drinks in this category of consumers is the price. Potential consumers of energy drinks are athletes, drivers, and workers of intense physical and mental work. Among the problems that hinder the development of the energy drink market are rising prices with the simultaneous manifestation of the crisis in the country, anti-advertising of energy drinks, and the promotion of a healthy diet. Further expansion of the range of energy drinks and sales growth is forecast, including in the e-commerce channel.
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