The article examines the basic principles of the HACCP system to improve the quality management system of products and services in the restaurant business, clarifies the main provisions of the regulatory framework of the HACCP system in Ukraine caused by the formation of a number of new challenges for domestic restaurant businesses on the compliance of restaurant products and services with the requirements of today and the changing processes of various spheres of society. Theoretical aspects of the quality management system of products and services in the restaurant business are analysed taking into account the work of domestic and foreign scientists and specialists on ways to improve the quality of products and services. Based on the study, it is determined that an effective quality management system for products and services in the restaurant business should include a set of HACCP principles, the application of which provides companies with a number of advantages due to the fact that HACCP system covers product safety parameters at all stages of its life cycle, obtaining raw materials for the consumption of finished products. This gives confidence in the safety of manufactured products, facilitates the definition of responsibility for its provision, and documented confidence in product safety increases consumer confidence in the products of the restaurant, there is an opportunity to enter new markets for the latter, increases its competitiveness. The regulatory provision of the HACCP system is revealed and substantiated, by means of which the main features and characteristics of the quality management system of products and services at the legislative level, which are important for the domestic market of restaurant services, are revealed. It is determined that the results of the study suggest that the prerequisites for improving customer service of consumers of restaurant products and services in market conditions are the introduction of the HACCP system as a quality management system and food safety, which identifies, evaluates and controls hazards, important for food safety and services. The current control and procedure of documenting all processes will allow the restaurant business to verify the effectiveness of the implementation of measures based on the principles provided by the HACCP system. Regulatory and legal support of the HACCP system in Ukraine makes it possible to regulate the implementation and management of quality in enterprises, which in the future will increase the level of competitiveness of domestic restaurant enterprises. The prospect of further research, in particular, conducting a thorough analysis of the implementation of prerequisite programs at a particular restaurant business for compliance with the requirements of legislation based on the principles of HACCP.
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