The article investigates the current problems of information servicing in the system of the hospitality industry during the processes of transformation of its infrastructure and requirements for the organisation as well as features of hospitality services providing in modern conditions in Ukraine. The domestic information space contains very little specificity about the results of digitalisation, in particular in the hospitality industry, so this issue needs to be systematised. The technology of transformations into a digital business entity for the provision of tourism, hotel and restaurant services should consist of three main parts: strategy, market digitalisation and automation of the vast majority of operational processes. The strategy begins with the integration of digitalisation into the strategy of entrepreneurship development in general. The process of restructuring into digital technologies of business processes is considered, when the element of making a business decision on investments becomes relevant, in particular the purchase of the necessary software, technical re-equipment and staff training, development of digital type of thinking in the enterprise; prerequisites for the integration of information services and consulting in material production and its foundations. The key objects of modern digital trends are analyzed, in particular: information data, which is a source of competitiveness formation; internet of things (IoT); digital processes of transformation of both individual types of entrepreneurship and entire business sectors; sharing economy; full virtualisation of all infrastructure IT-systems; artificial intelligence (AI); formation and use of digital platforms. The set of advantages provided by the introduction of modern digital technologies and their use as well as real obstacles to the proper development of information servicing in Ukraine are considered. It is stated that in the domestic information space there is very little specificity about the results of digitalisation. The components of modern innovations in the hospitality industry are studied. It is concluded that the main tasks of stimulating innovative activity of the hospitality industry are: development of institutional principles of integration of scientific, innovative, production spheres; transformation of the scientific component into an active factor in the accumulation of innovative potential of this industry; formation of its effective innovation infrastructure.
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Law R., Leung R. & Dimitrios B. “Information technology applications in hospitality and tourism: a review of publications from 2005 to 2007”, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 26:5-6, 599-623.
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Sapozhnyk, D. I. Koval, M. N. and Demydchuk, L. B. (2020), Consumer component in modern approaches to the development of the hospitality industry. Current trends in the development of science and practice / Abstracts of XXI International Scientific and Practical Conference (15-16 June, 2020), Haifa, Israel, Published on Bowker LLC, 262 r.
Schwab K. The Fourth Industrial Revolution: what it means, how to respond, World Economic Forum, available at: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2016/01/the-fourth-industrial-revolution-what-it-means-and-how-to-respond/.
World tourism barometer nº18 January 2020, available at: https://www.unwto.org/world-tourism-barometer-n18-january-2020/.