The article presents the relevance and timeliness of the study concerning the prerequisites for the implementation of the budgeting system into the activities of coal mining enterprises. Increasing demand for improving the management system of coal enterprises comes from the absence of organisational and methodological support for accounting and analysing of costs depending on the type and irrational planning of economic activity. The aim of the study is to analyse the elements of the present planning system for clarifying the prerequisites for implementation of the budgeting system into the activities of coal mining companies. The use of methods such as analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalisation as well as the complex approach to the work let us to systematize scientific and applied works in the field of management accounting regarding coal mining enterprises and to formulate the results of the research. The empirical basis includes measures of coal mines of the state enterprise Lvivvuhillia, in particular the mines: «Velykomostivska», «Lisova», «Chervonohradska», «Mezhyrichanska», «Stepova». The results of the research confirm that the current planning system of the coal mining enterprises is not able to ensure a reliable factor analysis of activities and to identify the risks of potential unproductive losses at the centers of responsibility. The scientific significance of the publication involves systematisation of the scientific approaches to the budgeting system by taking into account the latest studies of the Ukrainian and foreign scientists in the field of management accounting of coal mining enterprises. It contributes to the possibility of proposing by us the stages of budgeting of the activities of such enterprises considering the strategic priorities of their development. The practical value of the study is a comprehensive approach to the organisational structure of the budgeting system including the peculiarities of costs in the coal industry, which will contribute to a clear division of responsibilities between heads of departments to achieve benchmarks and control their dynamics. The authors conclude that the prerequisites for implementation of the budgeting system into the activities of coal mining enterprises are developing of the organisational and methodological approaches to improving the efficiency of resource allocation processes; cost optimisation; control over the activities of structural units; operational receipt of information on the volume of coal production, exploration, threaded, mining preparatory works.
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