Approaches for determination of essence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) have been analysed in the article. In particular, there is provided comparison of various formulations of corporate social responsibility by world classic scientists of CSR and by the Concept of realisation of state politics in the sphere of development of socially responsible business in Ukraine are presented in the article. There is provided research according to the question of level of transparency and information openness about corporate social responsibility among the five biggest domestic taxpayers. Based on elaboration of literature sources there were determined functions of corporate social responsibility, coincidence of its integration in the company’s activity, benefits, which stakeholders will get in the result of its implementation on the enterprise, and difficulties that may occur in this process. According to mentioned above, the main goal of the article is to find out the correct level of development of corporate social responsibility and level of openness of information based on the theoretical information about the essence of the corporate social responsibility and how well domestic companies represent its components. The next task of the article is determination whether there exists a tendency of development of information openness among domestic companies, which directions are the most popular for improvement. Based on this information, there is formed a list of recommendations according to possible steps, that companies can made in order to improve its position on the market, in particular, by better CSR. There was conducted the analysis of fulfilment with information about corporate social responsibility, using the information from companies’ web-sites and determined the level of quality of this information, in other words, not only proved the existence of this information but also the description of what this information is about and how suitable and comfort company is for its stakeholders, whether its development is appropriate in different ways (technical, ecological, sociological etc.). This research would be useful for further elaboration of models of corporate social responsibility development and for those companies that seek to improve its leader positions among peer companies.
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