The article forms the theoretical basis for determining behavioral stereotypes in the marketplace of Ukraine, based on the basic principles of behavioral economics. The main models of consumer behavior are also characterized: the Bettman information processing model, the Nicosia model, the Howard-Sheth model, the Engel model, the Howard model. The definition of the concept of «behavioral stereotypes» and the basic hypotheses of the negative attitude of consumers to the marketplace in Ukraine were developed. To test the hypotheses, a pilot study of 351 consumers was conducted on the judgments of Internet consumers about the purchase of goods or services through e-commerce. The eight main behavioral stereotypes in the marketplace of Ukraine were formulated. The eight main stereotypes proposed by the author include the following: consumers are suspicious of a large number of positive reviews; many products on marketplaces look like counterfeits to buyers; characteristics of goods that are insufficiently described negatively affect the quality of goods; goods or services, in which there are no reviews, consumers may consider poor quality; goods with one photo consumers can consider low-quality; the price, which is lower than the market price, looks suspicious for consumers; prepayment of goods for consumers can be considered as fraud; products with negative reviews may be of poor quality to consumers. It was proven that low ratings of other users concerning goods or services contribute to the formation of the opinion about the low quality of these goods or services. It was established that incomplete descriptions of goods and an insufficient amount of visual materials contribute to the formation of a negative assessment of consumers. The results that the non-original production of goods has formed a certain experience and a negative assessment of goods of well-known brands on the marketplaces were obtained. Also, the article develops an evaluation methodology that allows to predict the behavior of different consumer segments and determine areas for adjustment using marketing tools. Changing and adjusting the marketing strategy for companies that are present on the marketplaces of Ukraine can help change or refute behavioral stereotypes.
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