The article considers the issues of formulating the factors of effective development of the food industry of Ukraine. Theoretical and applied principles of determining the factors of effective production activity of food industry enterprises in the direction of increasing the level of competitiveness of enterprises in domestic and foreign markets are substantiated. The role of innovation centers for the implementation of research results or research activities, in which scientific knowledge is transformed into real profits and is accompanied by constant marketing research, organization of sales channels and commercial transactions, is considered. The development of knowledge-intensive products for the food industry, based on the results of the innovation process as a parallel and consistent implementation of research, scientific, technical, production and marketing activities of an enterprise is revealed. The structure of the innovation process of high-tech enterprises of the food industry is described on the basis of four main stages: basic and applied studies, research and technological works, production of new products and their commercialization. It is shown that all stages are interconnected and interdependent and are coordinated in order to systematize the management mechanisms. The most important need of modern food industries and enterprises is the ability to change their structure for the purpose of re-profiling for new products production that are demanded by the market or the state, is determined. It is shown that the food industry has a specific life cycle which includes products, production-territorial localizations and the enterprises themselves, which are formed from separate frontiers. The main directions of development and use of competitive advantages of food enterprises are formulated. It is noted that free entrepreneurship allows food industry companies not only to attract and use available factors of production in accordance with their needs, but also to carry out their work to create new competitive advantages in those areas that are more attractive and necessary.
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