The article considers the development of regional tourism as a socio-economic phenomenon of a single, integrated socio-economic system, where economics and sociology are its main subsystems. In the study of the organizational and economic mechanism of management of the tourism industry in the regions, a systematic approach is applied. It is determined that organizational and economic processes in the tourism industry in the regions are the movement of elements of the social system, its subsystems, any social object and are carried out under the influence of internal and external conditions; the construction of organizational and economic management mechanism in the tourism industry of the region is influenced by social changes in the dynamics. Each organizational and economic mechanism in the tourism industry of the region consists of several stages, which differ in content and mechanisms, ways of interconnection of components, which determines its direction and pace at this stage. The characteristic features of organizational and economic processes in the tourist industry of the region are determined, which allow to consider it as the core, the central moment of the socio-cultural situation in the region. In the theoretical aspect, qualitative changes produced by organizational and economic processes in the tourism industry of the region are divided into horizontal and vertical levels. Based on the methodology of organizational and economic processes in the tourism industry of the region, the organizational and economic processes in tourism are defined and a system of factors influencing organizational and economic processes (social system) on the development of tourism industry and tourism in the region as a whole is considered. Substantiating tourism as a category of social and mass, the main numerous factors, the impact of which can determine the level of tourist demand, are identified, namely general economic factors (welfare of society and increase of free time), socio-demographic factors (age structure, family structure, income and education level of the population, the ratio of urban and rural population), factors of cultural and socio-psychological nature.
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