The article is devoted to topical problems of greening the activities of Ukrainian enterprises through the implementation of environmental innovations. The main ecological problems of Ukraine are highlighted, the biggest polluters of atmospheric air, waters and soils are identified, including transport, industry, energy, and agriculture. It is noted that the solution of the problem of environmental pollution by industrial facilities lies in the change of approaches to environmental control, the use of new low-waste and / or waste-free technologies, complete modernization of the industrial complex and consolidation of legal and economic mechanisms to stimulate such changes. The authors emphasize that the existing volumes of environmental pollution, low rates of environmental modernization, and slow pace of implementation of environmental innovations threaten the possibility of Ukrainian enterprises entering international markets. It is outlined that the transition to the European green course is possible through ecological modernization of production of Ukrainian producers, the implementation of ecological innovations is one of the effective ways to achieve the principles of sustainable development and economic growth. The authors emphasize that the implementation of the European Green Course requires business structures to modernize industrial production, achieve carbon neutrality and technological modernization in accordance with the requirements of European standards. It was established that the areas of financing were projects of energy modernization, development of alternative transport infrastructure, renewable energy sources, public transport networks, etc. It is concluded that the main step towards the implementation of the principles of the global green course is the development and implementation of methods for measuring environmental pollution, which allow companies to monitor compliance with environmental legislation and identify violators based on clear and understandable criteria.
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