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small business
small enterprise
labor market

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Stativka, N., Orel, Y., & Kucheriava, K. (2021). STATE AND TRENDS OF EMPLOYMENT IN SMALL BUSINESS. Entrepreneurship and Trade, (29), 66-72.


The state and the main trends of employment in small business have been examined. The analysis of the main employment indexes has shown that during the period of 2013-2019 the number of employed in small businesses decreased by 13.3%, compared to the increase by 12.8% among individual entrepreneurs. In such spheres of economic activity as “education”, “temporary placement and organization of catering”, “information and telecommunication”, “wholesome and retail trade”, “repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles”, the small sector supplies more than three quarters of working places across the country. At the same time, in “industry”, “wholesome and retail trade”, “repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles”, “temporary placement and organization of catering”, “financial and insurance activity”, “professional, scientific and technical activities”, a part of the employed is being reduced and these structural changes are the result of absolute outflow of labor rather than relocation. It has been found out that the changes in the field of labor relations regulation introduced by the government contributed to partial legalization of employees in small businesses and to increase in the level of labor costs and profitability of personnel costs. The undertaken calculations revealed the tendency of increase in the level of labor productivity relative to the costs of its payment. At the same time, the level of wages in small enterprises remains low, twice lower than in large ones. However, the reliability of official indexes and received calculations reduce the disadvantages in the classification of economic entities by their size, verification of small businesses, statistical information and a high level of shadowing of small business in a whole. The conducted research comes to the conclusion that the employment issue lies not in the scale of employment, but in providing such conditions under which small business could work legally and pay competitive wages. The main constraints of employment in small business are complexity of administration and tax burden. However, small sector performs its social function, which is one of the key area of employment, providing jobs for 47.9% of the employed population.
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