The article presents the efficiency of using the SMART method to formulate clear, understandable goals for the tourism business. The list of SMART criteria for the formation of tasks to achieve the purpose set for the development of the tourism sector is characterized. The main four advantages that a business receives based on the tasks and goals set according to the basic SMART criteria are identified. The main goal of the tourism sector has been identified, which necessitates the search for new destinations for the tourism sector to be in demand, popular and to form the brand awareness of the region. There are four destinations identified to be developed and improved. This can help achieve SMART goals of the tourism sector of the region. The list of TOP-10 tourist attractions of Kherson oblast, which have been and will be in demand among visitors, but still lack mass recognition and publicity among the broad public, is provided. There are analyzed the state of tourist attendance of Kherson oblast by districts for 2019-2020 and the changes that have taken place. It is determined that the improvement of the tourist infrastructure of the region will lead to qualitative changes and an increase in economic efficiency in the field of regional tourism, which will ensure the implementation of tasks according to SMART methodology. Priority areas in terms of increasing the promotion of the tourist sector of Kherson oblast are identified. It is recommended to strengthen the development of quality domestic tourism in Kherson oblast, as it is the main driver of preservation and revival of the industry. It is determined that during the coronavirus crisis, tourism will be characterized by the following patterns: shorter periods of holidays; predominance of personal mobility (car tourism); individual accommodation; choice of health, sea and rural tourism. These factors increase the priority of domestic regional tourism, which will restart this sector, reduce the negative effects of the coronavirus crisis, and create a basis for increasing the competitiveness of the oblast as a tourist one. Priority areas in terms of increasing the promotion of the tourist sector of Kherson oblast are identified.
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