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recreational tourism
sanatorium-resort industry
recreational and health tourism
tourist business
directions of development

How to Cite

Osinska, O., & Topornytska, M. (2023). POLICIES FOR PROMOTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF RECREATIONAL TOURISM: FROM RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SANATORIUM AND RESORT TO SCALING OF RECREATIONAL AND HEALTH TOURISM. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (8), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.32782/tourismhospcee-8-4


The article reveals the relevance of the formation and implementation of the state policy of ensuring the development of recreational tourism in Ukraine. It is emphasized that Ukraine and its regions have unique natural-geographical, natural-anthropogenic and socio-historical recreational and touristic resources, but this potential is used in an extremely limited way, which is negative considering the small contribution of recreational tourism to the development of the country's human potential as well as in the formation of a number of important parameters of macroeconomic growth. The results of the generalization of the state and development trends of recreational tourism in Ukraine are presented, on the basis of which the key obstacles and problematic aspects of restoring the macroeconomic potential of this branch of the national economy are identified. The strategic priorities and applied tools of the state policy of preserving the potential and transition to the restoration of the development of the sanatorium-resort industry of Ukraine have been defined and substantiated. Organizational and economic measures have been developed to promote the creation of new facilities and scaling up activities in the field of recreation and health tourism in Ukraine, which can be implemented at the central level of management and local self-government bodies. It is shown that in order to improve the regulatory policy, eliminate manifestations of monopoly, corruption in "government-business" relations as the most significant obstacles to the development of recreation and health tourism, it is necessary to create working groups from representatives of public and associative business organizations to monitor the decisions of administrative authorities in order to strengthen the public control of decisions, ensure equal access of all subjects to local resources as well as speed up approval procedures. It was concluded that the presence of a developed system of recreational tourism facilities and the high activity of the population in terms of the consumption of sanatorium-treatment and recreation-health services are a significant prerequisite for the formation, preservation and development of human potential as a key resource of the socio-economic development of Ukraine, a high level of quality of life on its territories.

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