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Lviv Academic gymnasium
Petro Bubela
physical education
sports and educational tourism
«Sokil» society

How to Cite

Prokip, A., Mykhalskyi, Y., & Kendus, O. (2023). TOURISM AND SPORTS EDUCATION OF YOUTH IN LVIV ACADEMIC GYMNASIUM DURING PETRO BUBELA’S STUDY PERIOD (1900-1908). Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (8), 44-50.


In the early twentieth century, the Ukrainian tourist and sports movement became one of the leading components of the national struggle for independence and statehood. In particular, in Galicia, which at that time was the part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, important work on the national education of youth and young people was carried out by Ukrainian educational institutions, as well as patriotic societies and organizations, such as Sokil-Batko, later Plast, Sich, Lug and others. The aim of this study is to identify and analyze the peculiarities of of physical education and sports and recreational tourism system development in Lviv Academic Gymnasium, where Petro Bubela (1889 - ?), the future leading state and military figure of Western Ukrainian People's Republic, studied in 1900-1908. Petro Bubela was one of the organizers and active participants of the November Rising of 1918, a member of the government (State Secretaries Council) of Western Ukrainian People's Republic, Deputy Secretary of State for Military Affairs of Western Ukrainian People's Republic. In the process of working on the research topic, authors used historical, comparative, structural-functional, problematic-chronological and logical methods. It has been found that Petro Bubela, while studying at Lviv Academic Gymnasium in 1900-1908, got acquainted with progressive achievements and methods in the physical education field, took an active part in sports, recreational, and educational tourist events organized by the teachers of this educational institution. It is concluded that thanks to the teachers of the gymnasium, such as Ivan Boberskyi, Stepan Rudnytskyi, Longyn Tsehelskyi and others, sports and tourism were increasingly becoming an important element in the formation of spiritually and physically hardened, developed, and nationally conscious individuals from the gymnasium's students, ready for a difficult struggle for Ukrainian independence and statehood. It is proved that Ukrainian tourist and sports movement of the early twentieth century in Galicia was an integral part of the education and formation of patriotic Ukrainian youth and young people.
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