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tourist demand
sustainable tourism development

How to Cite

Myronov, Y. (2024). TOURIST DEMAND REGULATION AND FORECASTING IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (10), 17-23.


The article is devoted to the regulation and forecasting of tourist demand in the context of sustainable tourism development. The author notes that in view of the dynamism of the tourism industry and the extent of its impact on natural resources, the socio-cultural sphere and cultural heritage, effective strategies for regulating tourism demand based on the principles of sustainable development are necessary. The key tasks for ensuring the sustainable development of tourism have been identified, including economic stability, preservation of natural and cultural resources, social stability and support of local communities. The role of tourism demand regulation in this context is also discussed. To ensure the sustainable development of tourism, the author suggests the development and implementation of an effective tourism policy that would take into account the principles of sustainability. Approaches to regulating tourism demand in the context of sustainable tourism development and forecasting tourism demand are considered. It was determined that a variety of tools can be used to forecast tourism demand, such as market research analysis, forecasting of tourism development trends, and modelling of the impact of various factors on the tourism market. Forecasting methods (quantitative and qualitative) are characterized. It is noted that the relationship between tourism demand forecasting and regulation is that forecasting helps to identify the needs of tourists and develop strategies to meet them, while regulation helps to ensure sustainable tourism development. Both processes contribute to the achievement of a common goal – ensuring the successful functioning of the tourism industry. Prospects for further scientific research in this area have been identified.
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