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medical-rehabilitation tourism
socio-economic impact
regional development
medical assistance and psychotherapy
social rehabilitation
financial support of tourism

How to Cite

Prochan, A. (2024). SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF MEDICAL-REHABILITATION TOURISM ON REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN WARTIME CONDITIONS. Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Central and Eastern Europe, (10), 24-30.


The article is dedicated to the study of the socio-economic impact of medical-rehabilitation tourism on regional development in wartime conditions. The methodological basis of the research includes methods of collecting and comparing information, as well as analysis, synthesis, and generalization. It is noted that the tourism industry not only provides financial support to the country, which is extremely important during a period of war, but can also be an effective way of physical and psychological rehabilitation for citizens suffering from physical injuries, stress, and tension related to the war. Today, rehabilitation programs for military personnel and psychological adaptation for citizens from occupied territories are gaining social importance, and their relevance is constantly increasing. It is also mentioned that most traditional types of tourism are experiencing a decline. At the same time, in the realities of our time, the necessity to rethink tourism development strategies becomes evident. Overcoming crisis challenges requires innovative approaches, and here the role of medical-rehabilitation tourism becomes important. In wartime, this direction can not only contribute to the restoration of physical and mental health of people affected by the consequences of a brutal war but also financially support the tourism industry. It is noted that medical-rehabilitation tourism opens up prospects for providing high-quality medical care, psychotherapy, physical therapy, and social support, contributing to the recovery and social reintegration of individuals who have experienced the war, and improving their quality of life. In conclusion, it is stated that the socio-economic impact of medical-rehabilitation tourism on regional development in wartime conditions should be considered as a strategic tool for recovery and maintaining stability in the country as a whole and in particular regions. This type of tourism can become not only a source of economic growth but also a key factor in ensuring an integrated approach to social rehabilitation and improving the quality of life of the country's population.
PDF (Українська)


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