Keywords: intellectual packaging, food quality, means of control of unauthorized access, indicators of time and temperature, mechanical influences and growth of microorganisms, biosensors, oxygen sensors


Scientific research plays a huge role in the development of packaging solutions for industry. This following review is devoted to the main areas of work of scientists from different countries in the development of intellectual packaging. The article presents a classification of intellectual packaging that has special devices that respond quickly to changes in the packaged product and inform about its condition and properties, as well as damage to the packaging, the degree of safety and product quality itself. Modern scientific achievements in the development of innovative means of controlling unauthorized access to food products are presented. It is noted that the main attention is paid to the introduction of the latest technologies to protect products from counterfeiting and theft, as well as the use of bar codes and radio frequency identification tags. The main aspects of the use of packaging with various indicators, including temporal changes in temperature, freshness and microbiological spoilage, product maturity, integrity or tightness of packaging, the presence of gases, toxins, etc. are considered. The researches of domestic and foreign scientists on the use of nanodetectors in packaging for the identification of chemicals, bacteria, allergens, pathogens and toxins in food is analyzed. Finding new ideas in the field of intellectual packaging helps to better control the shelf life, regulate freshness and maintain stable food quality as well as ensures the traceability of goods batches at all stages during the movement in the supply chain.


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