Keywords: hydrocolloids, modified starch, pectin, agar-agar, food additives, hydrophilicity, viscosity, total and active acidity


Today there is a tendency to pay more attention to the development of new technologies for vegetarian food with the use of different food additives. The range of hydrocolloids used as structure-forming food additives is analyzed. The main rheological properties as a basis for their use in vegetarian dishes have been experimentally studied. A study was carried out to determine the hydrophilicity of structurants by indicator-refractometric method, viscosimetric method determined the characteristic and dynamic viscosity, potentiometric (electrometric) method determined pH, titrimetrically analyzed the total acidity of hydrocolloids. Theoretical and applied aspects of the use of biopolymers with food additives of vegetarian dishes are substantiated. The functional and technological properties of the studied hydrocolloids will allow to expand the range of their application. It is shown that the introduction of modified starch Gelix C15 will allow to produce products at lower thermal conditions and will preserve the nutrients and biologically active substances of the product because the pH level of modified corn starch Gelix C15 (E1404) slows down the processes of retrogradation of the food system. on structural properties. It is concluded that the use of modified starches improves the technological properties of products, facilitates the technological process and provides economic attractiveness of their use. Based on studies of physicochemical properties of modified corn starch Gelix C15 (E1404) the feasibility of using this food additive in the technology of vegetarian dishes were scientifically substantiated and theoretically confirmed.


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