Keywords: autolysis, meat, raw material, quality, products, processing


The article raises the issues of the current system of reception and delivery of livestock, which is based on the assessment of fatness and fat content. Pork producers are increasing the fattening of pigs that are highly exposed to the stress gene, but according to the production order, these animals are better fattened. Issues related to the processing of pork with an abnormal course of autolysis, which will allow significantly compensate the fragmentary nature of the known studies and the shortcomings inherent in PSE and DFD raw materials. It is pointed on the need to use a pH indicator to obtain timely information on the potential safety of meat, as well as its technological suitability. It is stated that the classification by PSE and DFD indicators should be supplemented with meat with transient properties that occupy an intermediate state between PSE, NOR and DFD. Three additional quality groups were identified in pork meat with the traditional course of autolysis – RSE (reddish-pink, soft, exudative), RFN (reddish-pink, firm, not watery) and PFN (pale, firm, not watery).
It is determined that the classification with the selection of six groups of pork quality depending on the course of autolysis is more complete and better takes into account the state of raw materials for further processing. The expediency of using this classification was confirmed by studies, which found that only 6.6% of pig carcasses in their characteristics corresponded to PSE meat, and the vast majority (87%) belonged to the quality group RSE. It was found that PFN and RSE pork account for more than 15% of all defects compared to PSE (13%) and DFD (10%). Three main directions of regulation of qualitative characteristics of raw materials with unconventional course of autolysis are shown. The need to identify defects in the quality of meat as soon as possible and to make the right decisions about the possibility and methods of processing such raw materials has been confirmed. Computer software that work in conjunction with electronic means of measuring certain animal parameters (including lard) should be used to enable manufacturers to increase their PSE reduction payments.


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