Keywords: flour “Zdorovia”, fiber, baking time, viscosity, sponge cake, optimization


At the present stage, the urgent task of the food industry is to improve the chemical composition and rheological properties of sponge cake, which are characterized by high content of simple carbohydrates and low content of protein, vitamins and minerals. The aim of the article is to develop a recipe for sponge cake of high nutritional value. An analysis of modern research on the nutritional value and rheological properties of sponge cake and the need to develop new technologies for sponge cake of high nutritional value. The article optimizes the recipe composition of sponge cake with the addition of flour mixtures, namely premium wheat flour, “Zdorovia” flour and carob powder. During the development of the sponge cake recipe, a partial replacement of high-grade wheat flour with “Zdorovia” flour in a concentration of 10 to 50% and a complete replacement of cocoa powder with carob powder were carried out. A model for optimizing the recipe composition of sponge dough with optimal values of viscosity of sponge dough, fiber content and baking time is designed and presented. After solving the optimization problem of fiber modeling, the concentration of “Zdorovia” flour was 10%, the viscosity of the sponge dough and the baking time was 50%. In the course of research, according to the analysis of the quality of sponge dough, a rational concentration of “Zdorovia” flour was established, which is 30%. The results of studies of rheological indicators, the baking time, as well as indicators of chemical composition show that the addition of “Zdorovia” flour in a concentration of 30% will increase the nutritional value of sponge cake and reduce the duration of baking. Further research should be aimed at determining the needs of the human body with useful nutrients (“Zdorovia” flour and carob powder), which are part of the sponge cake.


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