The article studies the current problems of screening of bulk materials by airflow, both in combination with sieve installations, and separately during screening and pouring; the optimal size of the holes of the sieves, as well as the fractional characteristics of the sifting food bulk masses, which depend on the technological efficiency and specific productivity of sifting machines. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the mechanics of the vibration screening process and determine the limits of the intensity of vibrations of the working surface, which are the main factors in the adhesive properties of a layer of bulk materials. In the course of the study, it was found that the reduction of the negative consequences of adhesion and the rational use of the forces of adhesive interaction of a layer of loose particles with a contacting working surface makes it possible to intensify the sifting process. It was found that the presence of the adhesive bond of the particles with the contacting sieving surface significantly affects the process of vibrational movement of bulk materials. It is proved that the dependence of the sifting process of bulk materials and the parameters of the vibrational displacement of a layer of flour particles on the parameters of the deck oscillations, which have a significant impact on the technological efficiency and specific productivity of the sifting process. The mechanics of the process of vibratory screening; limits of the intensity interval of vibrations of the screening surface; theoretical dependences of the parameters of vibration displacement of a layer of flour particles on the parameters of vibrations of the deck and the design scheme of the vibrating sifter of bulk materials are determined. Specific tasks have been formulated to increase the efficiency of the process of intensification of screening, productivity, and reduction of energy consumption during vibratory movements of bulk materials. Further research should be aimed at improving the design of vibrating screens, more significantly reducing the physical resistance of the material flow, rational use of drive energy, and increasing the efficiency of screening of bulk materials.
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