Keywords: ash, soil cement, block, waste, thermal power plant


Technological solutions for the production of soil cement blocks are considered and analyzed. It is proposed to make blocks of soil cement from Portland cement brand 400 in the amount of 20% by weight of soil, water. The next step was to add 5% of the cement content to the removal ash solution and mix. Then soil (loam loam) with a moisture content of 14% was added. It is recommended to make a cement slurry using mortar mixers, provided that it is homogeneous. It is offered to add ash of removal of the Mykolayiv thermal power plant which was sifted on a sieve of 4 mm as ash contains a considerable amount of impurity. The content of inclusions from 1 to 4 mm was up to 40%. The average humidity of the removal ash was 0.6%. Water-cement ratio is taken 1.0. The mixture was stirred to a homogeneous mass for at least 5 minutes It is proposed to make the blocks in such a way that the size of the finished soil-cement block was similar to the size of the brick. It is proposed to make solid cement blocks solid. To ensure good compaction, the moisture content for most soils should be in the range of 14-23%. Determination of the strength of soil cement was performed by measuring the minimum forces at which cracks of the control samples at static load with a constant rate of load growth. For the maximum effort that can withstand the sample was taken as a destructive load. It is investigated that the use of fly ash in the mixture in the manufacture of soil cement gives a positive effect. With increasing the shelf life of samples in water to 180 days, the average compressive strength of soil cement samples without additives and with the addition of the appropriate percentage of removal ash by 12-15%.


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