Abstract. Assurance of the compliance of chemical oxygen self-contained mine self-rescuers for escape with essential safety and health requirements is impossible without applying a comprehensive approach to settling issues of the formation of their consumer properties. The nomenclature of consumer properties and requirements for chemical oxygen self-contained mine self-rescuers for escape is necessary to control their quality and safety and conduct identification, commodity analysis and expertise. The mentioned holistically contributes to advancing the safety of respiratory protective equipment and the healthcare (disease prevention, traumatism, and death) of workers of coal, ore and non-metallic mines. The research purpose is to develop the nomenclature of consumer properties and quality indicators of requirements for chemical oxygen self-contained mine self-rescuers for escape which are essential to control their quality and safety and conduct identification, commodity evaluation and expertise. The relevant nomenclature of consumer properties and quality indicators for chemical oxygen self-contained mine self-rescuers for escape allows optimizing indices of consumer properties given the current requirements of normative-legal acts and statutory documents; is an effective tool to control their quality, safety, identification, and commodity evaluation and expertise. Assurance safe and comfortable use of chemical oxygen self-contained mine self-rescuers for escape is feasible through specifying a complex of their consumer properties at the cost high material stress-strain properties and rendering relevant engineering solutions. The formulated nomenclature is designed to perform a comparative study and commodity evaluation of consumer properties of chemical oxygen self-contained mine self-rescuers for escape, which comprise a heat-gas distributor of the regenerative canister made of different materials, and conduct expert research to prevent the distribution of poorquality chemical oxygen self-contained mine self-rescuers for escape in Ukraine and guarantee the protection of health and life of the coal industry workers. In addition, the developed nomenclature is intended for commodity experts as a basis for selecting chemical oxygen self-contained mine self-rescuers for escape, which meet the current requirements and are allowed for the use of the coal
industry workers.
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