Keywords: processing, raw material, stem, quality, fiber, flax, hemp.


Abstract. The article contains theoretical and experimental researches in the field of the processing of the domestic bast raw materials. The importance issue of modern development and functioning of the domestic consumer market, which comprises with flax and hemp products market, issue is due to the significant destructive changes in the current condition of the light industry in Ukraine. The aim of the work is to solve the problems of ameliorating the efficiency of stem material processing of bast-fiber crops and to find ways to improve the characteristics of natural fibrous production. In the manuscript based on the conducted researches the domestic flax and hemp industries still has sufficient potential and opportunities for stabilization and further development has been determined. The analysis of technological and technical directions of development processing industry indicates that equipment of various functional purposes should be used to obtain fiber mass of high quality. In the article factors worsening of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of bast raw materials, what are related with deterioration of processing sphere of the light industry, changes in consumer market requirements, technical and technological features of industry processing bast-fiber plant stems are considered. In the manuscript based on the conducted theoretical and experimental researches the show that the studied mechanical methods of processing bast raw materials are based on the use of different approaches to the production of fiber products. The most common approaches of foreign fiber producers are the application of basic mechanical effects on the processed bast raw material to the processed material by the low-destructive action of breaking of the stem material and the maximum efficiency of scutching process. The concept and practice of domestic processing of bast-fiber plants is to perform another significant mechanical impact on the processing material. In order to increase the efficiency of the processes of treatment of fibrous material, a method of processing of retted straw has been developed, which allows to expand the range of products of processing flax and hemp raw material and to create waste-free technology. The method of obtaining monotypic fiber from bast-fiber crops has been developed, which makes it possible to process of stem material all types of domestic bast crops, providing its versatility of the technological equipment.


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