Keywords: shortbread cookies, vegetable oils, consumption properties, quality.


Abstract. Butter cookies belong to the group of flour confectionery products and are considered as traditional products for consumers of all age categories and are in high demand. Based on the results of the research, the findings of scientists and practitioners regarding the use of vegetable oils in the production of cookies are summarized. The importance of introducing vegetable oils, which are characterized by high nutritional and biological value, into the recipes of butter cookies is emphasized. The chemical composition of butter, pumpkin oil and walnut oil was compared and analyzed. It has been shown that vegetable oils from walnuts and pumpkin seeds are more valuable than butter in terms of the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially linoleic and linolenic. At the same time, liquid vegetable oils are widely available, less expensive and, unlike solid fats, contain a small amount of saturated fatty acids and almost no transisomers. Due to the high content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, tocopherols, phospholipids and carotenoids, vegetable oils are characterized by high biological value. The introduction of walnut oil and pumpkin oil in the amount of 20% to replace butter in shortbread cookies recipes is scientifically justified. The used liquid vegetable oils improved the organoleptic indicators of the shortbread cookies, namely: they gave the products a delicate taste and aroma of walnuts and pumpkin seeds, respectively, a crumbly consistency and a corresponding pleasant color. The obtained experimental results confirm the prospects of using vegetable oils in the production of shortbread cookies, which contributes to the improvement of its consumption properties, the expansion of the range and the reduction of its cost. It is promising to further improve the recipes of the developed types of shortbread cookies with the addition of vegetable stabilizing raw materials in order to prevent the migration of liquid oils from the products during production and storage, as well as to enrich the products with dietary fibers, vitamins and other valuable substances.


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