Keywords: shortbread cookies, pumpkin flour, culinary quality, taste, cookie smell.


Abstract. The article highlights the culinary quality formation of shortbread cookies depending on the amount of pumpkin flour according to indicators of surface color and crumb, porosity and consistency, smell and taste of pumpkin and their consumption parameters. The aim of the article is to determine the culinary quality formation of shortbread cookies with the addition of pumpkin flour. Research results indicate that the culinary quality of cookies varied depending on the amount of pumpkin flour in its recipe. Cookie colour varied from light brown to brown, and crumb colour varied from light yellow to dark yellow. The cookies in the control version and with the amount of pumpkin flour of 5% had the best porosity. With the addition of 20% pumpkin flour to the composition of the recipe, shortbread cookies formed a non-porous soft dough (1 point). Cookies with 5–10% pumpkin flour and without it had a crispy textute, while in the other versions it was hard. At the same time, it should be noted that the amount of pumpkin flour did not affect the change in the shape of shortbread cookies. It was found that the highest consumer odor (8.3–9.0 points) had cookies in the control version and with the amount of pumpkin flour 5%. Increasing the amount of pumpkin flour in the cookie recipe worsened the shortbread cookie smell. A significantly lower smell was obtained with the amount of pumpkin flour 15–20% – 3.7–5.0 points. The highest cookie rating (9.0 points) was obtained with the amount of pumpkin flour 5% and without it. The addition of 10–20% pumpkin flour significantly worsened shortbread cookie taste by 3.0–5.7 points. Taking into account the indicators of the shortbread cookie culinary quality, it was found that it is most suitable to add 5% pumpkin flour to the composition of the recipe. With such a recipe, cookies are formed without shape change, with a light brown surface, yellow crumb, and a porous and crispy texture. The smell and taste of pumpkin flour is absent, and the consumption parameters are very high – 8.3–9.0 points.


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