Keywords: fat oxidation, canned food storage, sterilization mode, meat, volatile substances, acids, destructive changes.


Abstract.The results of scientific research on the influence of sterilization regimes on destructive changes in the lipid component of canned food are presented. The dynamics of the fractional composition of the fat of experimental samples of canned food (ΣNFA, ΣMNFA, and ΣPUFA) during the storage process were established. By the end of storage in canned goods made under strict sterilization regimes, polyunsaturated fatty acids underwent the greatest changes, the decrease in their amounts was 28.7%. The amount of these acids decreased by 17.2% in canned goods made according to gentle regimes. The dynamics of the amount of monounsaturated fatty acids differs by 0.2% in the direction of greater destruction in canned goods produced under a strict regime. Accumulation of the amount of saturated fatty acids during storage is 2% higher in canned goods manufactured under strict sterilization regimes. With a strict sterilization regime, the amount of linoleic acid after sterilization was 40.65% of the identified amount, and it was not detected during further storage. At the same time, the amount of arachidonic acid up to 6 months of storage increased by 269% compared to the data after sterilization, and up to 10.5 months it decreased by 90.6% compared to the data of 6 months of storage. Palmitoleic acid was detected only up to 6 and 10.5 days of storage of canned goods produced according to a gentle regime. This acid was detected at all stages of research in canned goods made according to a strict regime. At the same time, the same dynamics of the amount of palmitic acid is observed - up to 6 months there is an accumulation of this acid, and up to 10.5 - a decrease compared to the data after 6 months of storage.Volatile substances were detected during the storage process, which can affect the aroma of finished products. During storage, an increase in the value of the acid number of fat was noted, which confirms the dynamics of destructive changes in fat in the process of storing canned goods. As a result of the conducted research, it was established that conducting the sterilization process according to gentle sterilization modes helps to slow down the processes of natural oxidation of fat in the product, the accumulation of fatty acids and volatile substances that affect the sensory characteristics of the finished product.


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