The article analyzes the procedure for conducting expert research and introducing the procedure for declaring building materials, which is of significant scientific interest. The purpose of the article was to study the peculiarities of conducting expert research during the procedure for declaring heat-insulating materials. The formation of theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the properties of heat-insulating materials and certain aspects of conducting expert research is considered. The normative-legal acts that determine the use of building materials on the market are analyzed, and the requirements for the defining characteristics of these materials are shown. It is shown that the manufacturer of building materials can produce products only under the condition of carrying out production control of determining indicators, drawing up a declaration of indicators of building products and applying the appropriate marking. The need to conduct a procedure for confirming the conformity of building products has been determined, which will allow to improve its quality in accordance with European requirements. A study of the quality indicators of the selected samples of heatinsulating materials (expanded polystyrene plates) during declaration was conducted. It is shown that the obtained results of indicators of density 15.7 kg/m3, compressive strength 0.12 MPa, bending strength 0.20 MPa, moisture content 11.0% of the studied brands of expanded polystyrene plates meet the norms of the standards. The analysis of the obtained indicators of thermal conductivity in the dry state made it possible to determine the order of operation of the obtained heat-insulating materials. The adoption of regulatory acts regarding the quality and safety of building materials in Ukraine and the introduction of the declaration procedure meet the requirements of both the domestic and European markets. Our expert studies of the quality indicators of heat-insulating materials and the obtained results testify to the observance of technological regimes. Further research should be directed to an in-depth study of product declaration processes and analysis of expert studies on products declaration in Ukraine.
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