Keywords: waffle cakes, natural additives, biological value, amino acid composition, fatty acid composition, mineral elements, vitamins


This work is devoted to the study of nutritional and biological value of the developed new wafer cakes with fat fillings “Ivasyk-Telesyk” and “Makovyj” using non-traditional raw materials: willow-tea powder, milk thistle cake, poppy seeds and black cumin, carob. It has been proved that the used raw materials provide new products development with high nutritional and biological value. The developed wafer cakes are characterized by higher protein content, lower fat and carbohydrate content and, accordingly, lower caloric content by 4-6% compared to the control. Introduction of non-traditional raw materials in the formulation of wafer cakes has significantly improved their biological value: by balancing the amino acid composition, it was possible to reduce deviations from the level of “ideal protein” of most essential amino acids. It was found that the new wafer cakes contain 1,4-2,7 times more polyunsaturated fatty acids compared to the control sample. The ratio of fatty acid fractions is better than in the control sample. Usage of non-traditional raw materials contributed to the improvement of mineral composition of new wafer cakes. It is important to increase the content of calcium by 17,8-18,9 times and iron by 4,3-7,9 times compared to the control sample, which are considered the most deficient in the diet of modern humans. The wafer cake “Ivasyk-Telesyk” contains the most calcium, which is due to the inclusion of skimmed milk powder and willow-tea powder in its recipe. The iron content is the highest in the wafer cake “Makovyj” due to the addition of black cumin cake and carob powder. Due to the selection of prescription components the content of vitamins in the products has been increased. New wafer cakes contain ascorbic acid, folacin, rutin and β-carotene, and “Ivasyk-Telesyk” also contains phylloquinone, which are lacking in the control sample. Further research will be aimed at adjusting the recipes of developed wafer cakes with fat fillings in order to improve their fatty acid composition.


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