Keywords: processing of fruits and vegetables, fillings for confectionery products, cryopure, finely dispersed additives, raw fruit and vegetables, BAS, health products


The work is devoted to the development of carotenoid and anthocyanin fillings based on natural fruit and vegetable raw materials, spices, nuts, and the development of a new generation of health-oriented wafer confectionery products using them. As an innovation in obtaining new types of fillings, natural plant additives developed and proposed by the authors were used in the form of finely dispersed powders, cryopure, which are a source of BAS (L-ascorbic acid, β-carotene, anthocyanin dyes, phenolic compounds, tannins), not contain harmful food additives and act as part of fillings as natural dyes, flavorings, thickeners. The quality of carotene-containing vegetables, natural spices, anthocyanin-containing raw materials and their additives obtained using deep processing methods in the form of fine powders and cryopure was studied. The quality control of raw fruit and vegetable raw materials, natural spices and additives obtained from them in the form of finely dispersed powders and cryopure was carried out according to physicochemical indicators and the content of BAS (L-ascorbic acid, β-carotene, anthocyanin substances, phenolic compounds, tannins, etc.) using modern methods. The expediency of using fruit and vegetable additives in the form of finely dispersed powders and cryopure as natural dyes, plant BAS enrichers, flavorings and preservatives in the preparation of carotenoid and anthocyanin fillings in new types of wafer confectionery has been proven. The recipes of a new generation of wafer confectionery products, which have a health-improving orientation, due to the content of plant phytocomponents in their composition, which is achieved by using new types of carotenoid and anthocyanin fillings based on natural fruit and vegetable raw materials, spices, nuts, obtained with the use of innovative natural plant additives in the form of finely dispersed powders, cryopures, which are characterized by a significant content of BAS (L-ascorbic acid, β-carotene, anthocyanin dyes, phenolic compounds, tannins), do not contain harmful food additives . In terms of BAS content, the obtained wafer confectionery products exceed analogues and are intended for healthy nutrition of the population of Ukraine.


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