Keywords: export, import, meat and meat products, sensory characteristics of identification, consumer protection


The article attempts to show the possibilities of using the sensory characteristics of meat products identification during customs clearance to detect counterfeitation and to protect consumers, since in the process of customs activity the number of cases of inaccurate declaration or incorrect determination of the classification code of meat products increases every year, and customs officers often face the problem when it is impossible to distinguish the information contained on the stamp or label due to big scale transportation of meat products. As practice shows, it is not always possible to obtain information about a particular meat product. During customs control, one of the most important problems is the problem of determining the country of origin of goods transported across the customs border of Ukraine. The correct determination of the country of origin of imported goods is the basis of customs control in order to ensure the economic security of the country, to avoid the entry into the territory of the state of counterfeit, low-quality products, as well as for the correct calculation and granting of tariff preferences, benefits and is necessary for the application of basic measures of foreign trade policy, as well as for statistical reporting. The problem of determining the country of origin of goods on the example of import of foreign cattle meat was considered. Employees of customs authorities, veterinary supervision often face the problem when it is impossible to distinguish the information contained on the stamp, because in connection with transportation the outlines of the stamp sometimes become indistinguishable. The introduction of identification groups is proposed to solve the problem necessary for sensory identification on the basis of branding of meat carcasses and protection of consumer rights on safety and information support. It is concluded that it is necessary to improve both the customs legislation regulating the issues of determining the country of origin of goods and its practical use in order to ensure the economic security of Ukraine. The problem of correct determination of the country of origin of goods is especially relevant in the modern period, since there is an import of goods prohibited for importation into the territory of the country by the Ukrainian government.


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