The properties of textile materials are taken into account when manufacturing different types of clothing, because how the product will behave during the use will highly depend on them. Sewing products that have a complicated silhouette or are subject to frequent use must be resistant to shape changes. Modern textile materials are oriented on fabrics with a completely different fiber composition. Mixed textile materials are characterized by improved properties that meet today's market requirements. The article characterizes the main regularities of the structural characteristics of textile materials using elastane thread. The criteria for increasing the dimensional stability of mixed textile materials by purposeful selection of elastane threads in the fibrous composition are considered. The properties of textile materials for household purposes are analyzed, which are of great importance in assessing the quality of sewing clothes and determine the ability to retain shape, resist bending deformations, and also determine its shape stability. A technique for designing dimensional stability of fabrics using elastane thread for dress and costume purposes is proposed. The expediency of using elastane thread in mixed textile materials has been proven and substantiated, which allows to give these fabrics high effects of permanence and low shrinkage while simultaneously preserving their shape retention and wear resistance. It has been determined that elastane threads fundamentally change the functional properties of clothing, improving, in addition to comfort, such important indicators as draping, durability and wear resistance. At the same time, highly elastic fabrics have a special effect on the forming abilities of textile materials, because they significantly change their deformation characteristics. The development of the scientific foundations of the fibrous composition and structure of mixed fabrics made it possible to theoretically and experimentally confirm the new concept of structure design, taking into account consumer properties and wearing conditions of ready-made garments.
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