Keywords: functional properties, beer, xanthohumol, minerals, isotonic beer, non-alcoholic beer, gluten


Beer is the most popular and favorite alcoholic beverage in the world among consumers. However, consumer expectations are still rising regarding beer quality, composition, sensory properties and health potential. They usually prefer beer with a lower content of sugar and carbohydrates, alcohol, gluten, but without reducing the organoleptic properties. Therefore, manufacturers are using this moment to expand their product range, and more and more beers are appearing on the market that contain bioactive additives or ingredients without minerals or gluten. The purpose of the article was to study beer as a basis for creating a functional product, as well as the presence of functional types of beer and the technological aspects of their production. It has been proven that the composition of beer, as well as its beneficial effects on the human body, indicate that it is a good basis for the development of a valuable functional drink. In the article, among the considered raw materials and technological aspects of obtaining functional beer, the production of alcoholfree and low-alcohol beer, gluten-free, isotonic, probiotic, with an increased content of xanthohumol, as well as groat beer containing herbal additives is studied. The analysis of literature data shows that the functional segment of beer is clearly distinguished, and the interest in beer for special food purposes is increasing. It was established that the technologies developed by scientists using non-traditional raw materials for the purpose of obtaining functional beer can be recommended for use in brewing to expand product samples and improve its impact on the human body.


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