For the optimal functioning of all organs and systems in the human body, nutrition must be complete and balanced, this is achieved by improving the recipes and production technologies of existing food products with the aim of preserving the nutritional properties of the product components or giving the products new properties. Proteins of plant origin are of special importance for human health. Deficiency of proteins in the human body leads to the breakdown of its own proteins. Protein products have a high biological value and emulsifying ability, their use in the composition of food products allows obtaining stable emulsions. The work developed a technology for extracting protein isolate from waste raw materials of plant origin. To conduct the study, seedless pumpkin meal with a high crude protein content, obtained after extracting the oil from the seeds by cold pressing, was used. The obtained protein isolate was used in the recipe of mayonnaise as a substitute for egg powder in the amount of 8.5% and 10%. According to both recipes, mayonnaise with a stable emulsion was obtained. Mayonnaise with a lower emulsifier content was chosen for further research. The developed mayonnaise has good organoleptic and physicochemical indicators and is a promising product for the food market in Ukraine. When analyzing the growth of microorganisms on the surface of the Saburo medium, yeast colonies were found. The presence of mold fungi or their spores, as well as colonies typical of coliform bacteria, was not detected in the examined samples of mayonnaise. Based on the results of determining the change in acid number and stability of the emulsion during storage, the recommended storage period of mayonnaise is 35 days at a temperature of 1÷6℃. The development of industrial technology for the production of protein isolate from pumpkin meal is a promising direction that will make it possible to completely replace the emulsifier of animal origin with the emulsifier of plant origin in the mayonnaise recipe.
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