The results of research on the development of a new complex food additive for semi-smoked sausages from meat raw materials with PSE properties are given. The recipe and technology of KFPD to ensure the quality of semi-smoked sausages from meat raw materials with PSE properties have been scientifically substantiated; established storage regimes, expiration dates and regulated quality indicators of KFPD Spices and seasonings are included in the recipe of the complex food supplement. The formulation of KFPD is aimed at improving the technological characteristics of meat systems: increasing pH and water-binding capacity, swelling of muscle proteins, stability of coloring. The production technology of KFHD consists of the following main stages: reception of raw materials, auxiliary and packaging materials; preparation of raw materials and auxiliary materials; dosage and mixing of prescription components; packing, packaging, labeling, transportation and storage of finished products. The use of an extract of natural spices in the formulation of a food additive has a positive effect on the taste and aroma of finished products. It was established that the organoleptic indicators of KFCD did not change during 18 months. After 24 months, a change in appearance is noted – the formation of lumps that are difficult to crumble. During the study of meat with PSE properties, a low water-binding capacity and pH were established, in connection with which stabilizers (food phosphates) were introduced into the composition of KFHD, which contribute to the improvement of these indicators. The increase in water-binding capacity is the result of the effect of phosphates on the state of myofibrillar meat proteins, which is as follows: phosphates ensure the dissociation of the insoluble actomyosin complex into soluble actin and myosin, as a result, the number of hydrophilic centers and the degree of swelling of proteins increases, which leads to an increase in water binding ‘jazzing ability. The samples of semi-smoked sausages according to physical and chemical parameters in the storage process meet the requirements of DSTU. The study of semi-smoked sausages according to safety indicators showed their compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation. The terms and modes of storage of semi-smoked sausages have been established – 30 days at a temperature not higher than 6 °C and a relative humidity of 75–78%.
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