The results of the development of the technology of ready-to-use culinary minced meat products in group packaging with extended shelf life, enriched with vitamins and minerals, intended for children’s nutrition in the conditions of organized collectives, are given. The proposed technology involves bringing chopped semi-finished products to culinary readiness using gentle methods of heat treatment, which allows you to preserve the enriching components as much as possible (vitamins of group B and PP, iodine, iron, calcium). or bovine powdered "Hemobin-60", calcium citrate, iodized milk protein. The highest water-binding capacity; in samples of minced meat with the addition of calcium carbonate and tricalcium phosphate, while the highest moisture-holding capacity is in the sample with calcium citrate. In general, the use of all salts increases the water-binding capacity and moisture-holding capacity, compared to the control, which affects the organoleptic indicators and the output of the product after bringing it to culinary readiness. Organoleptic evaluation showed that samples with calcium citrate and tricalcium phosphate had higher scores than samples with calcium carbonate in terms of juiciness and tenderness. But in general, all samples are recognized as acceptable for children’s nutrition. The introduction of calcium into semi-finished minced meat made it possible to adjust the ratio of calcium: phosphorus in finished meat products to a value of 1:1.During the development of the following technological stages, methods were used to create a product with an extended shelf life (at least 10 days, according to modern requirements for industrially produced products used in organized children’s nutrition), which is convenient for completing a 10-day menu. Samples were produced with the use of bringing to full readiness, rapid cooling and group packaging. It can be seen from the given data that the preservation of all vitamins and minerals is higher during heat treatment with a combination, which is probably due to a shorter duration of treatment. Heat-resistant Cryovac bags were used for product packaging. Filled bags were sealed by heat sealing with preliminary removal of excess air. Rapid cooling is a process of reducing the temperature in the center of the product to +2ºС within 90 minutes, which prevents the reproduction of bacteria. Vitamins and other useful substances, color and taste properties are stored in the product.
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