The article discusses the expediency of using rosehip fruit powder in the technology of biscuit products for enrichment with vitamin C. The purpose of this article is to determine the optimal parameters for drying rosehip fruits in order to preserve ascorbic acid as much as possible; study of the effect of rosehip powder of different concentrations on the physicochemical (moisture, porosity) and organoleptic parameters of the finished biscuit. An analytical review of the literature on the enrichment of flour confectionery products with biologically active substances at the expense of powders from non-traditional raw materials was conducted. The possibility of using rose hip powder to increase its nutritional value in other technologies, in particular in the production of bakery products, was analyzed. It has been established that the fruits of rose hips are a natural multivitamin concentrate, which is the main plant raw material for the vitamin industry. But the specific content of nutrients in rose hips varies greatly according to literature, which is due to the variety, place of cultivation, climatic and weather conditions. A method of drying rose hips using microwaves is proposed. The effect of rosehip powder on the physicochemical and organoleptic quality indicators of finished products was studied. It was determined that the maximum dosage of the additive in the amount of 25% of the weight of wheat flour of the highest grade leads to a decrease in the quality of finished products. It is proposed to introduce the additive together with wheat flour at the stage of dough kneading. It was noted that the addition of rosehip powder leads to an increase in porosity. On the basis of organoleptic evaluation and physicochemical studies of finished products, the rational dosage of rose hip powder in the technology of semi-finished biscuit, which is 20% instead of wheat of a higher grade, is substantiated. Finished products are characterized by high consumer properties. The amount of vitamin C in the baked biscuit is 55.6±0.5 mg per 100 g, which is close to the daily human need.
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