Keywords: sulfur-containing amino acids, amino acid, protein, fish, minced meat, semi-finished product, soy texture, dry milk


The results of the study of protein changes during heat treatment in "Lyula-Kebab from fish" of the traditional recipe, soy flour, and soy texture are given. In products with soy protein additives, the level of non-protein nitrogen is lower than in traditional products, which indicates smaller changes in protein during heat treatment in these samples. The amount of essential amino acids with the traditional recipe and with powdered milk is approximately the same and amounts to 39 … 40%. Soy protein products increase the content of essential amino acids in the semi-finished product by 4.9% when using soy flour and by 8.0% when using soy texture. The results obtained by us indicate a decrease in the total amount of amino acids, as well as the amount of essential amino acids. At the same time, the greatest loss of essential amino acids (6.4%) was established for the traditional recipe, the smallest (5.5%) for the recipe with soy texture. The most significant losses among essential amino acids were established for the traditional recipe: tryptophan – 17.6%, sulfur-containing (methionine) – (15.1%), tyrosine (11.5%), lysine – (7.5%). Replacing whole milk with dry whole milk in the recipe of "Lyulya-Kebab with fish" does not have a significant effect on the loss of essential amino acids. In the samples with soy protein products, the losses of tryptophan (4.3%), methionine (11.5 … 14.0%), tyrosine (11.3 … 13.2%) turned out to be the most significant. Losses of lysine amounted to 5.3 … 7.4%, histidine 8.1 … 8.4%. The loss of amino acids is probably related to the reactions of melanogenesis and deamination. The introduction of soy supplements somewhat improves the balance of amino acids.The first limiting amino acid remains tryptophan, the second – sulfur-containing amino acids, but their speed is slightly higher than in traditional products, which should be associated with lower losses of methionine and cystine during heat treatment in these products. The analysis of amino acid scores showed that the most pronounced limited amino acid in traditional samples is tryptophan, the number of which is 75, sulfur-containing amino acids are the second amino acid, -85. Replacing whole milk with dry whole milk slightly improved the balance of amino acids, but tryptophan and sulfur-containing amino acids predominated.


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