Keywords: raw materials, procurement, enterprise, food industry, placement.


Abstract. The article examines the peculiarities of making managerial decisions in the field of providing food industry enterprises with raw materials produced by the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. The main problems and their solutions in the development of new enterprises for the processing of food raw materials are shown. The main directions of regulation are substantiated by the development of integration processes of food production with the rational placement of regional processors of agricultural products and their raw material supply, in the conditions of the modern economic situation. In these conditions, the regional division of labor in the production of food products and the economically beneficial conditions of participation are shown, which require a new approach in the development and placement of the processing industries of the agro-industrial complex in order to realize the ultimate goals: reliable supply of the population with food products, meeting the rational consumption norms in terms of volume and structure; balancing the amount of food with an appropriate structure with the solvent demand of the population; creation of sustainable reserve food resources. The main requirements for providing food enterprises with agro-industrial raw materials are highlighted. The factors of the composition of the raw material base of food enterprises, their raw material zones and evaluation criteria, the principles of placement of food industry enterprises are considered. An algorithm for substantiating the location of food enterprises has been developed, taking into account the location of the sources of raw materials on the territory of Ukraine. The need for the development of processing enterprises of various types: large, medium and small, which will strengthen the adaptability of the regional economy to market requirements, has been identified. To ensure long-term availability of critical raw materials at competitive prices, organizations need a well-developed procurement strategy based on systematic analysis. The strategic approach in the supply of raw materials is focused on the enterprise, on promising work. Industries are forced to look for new business models and sources of competitive advantages, and therefore have to form networks in order to efficiently supply raw materials. At the same time as the role of supply management of semi-finished products is growing, so has the role of supply strategy, which has become more important.


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