Keywords: protein, fish fillets, soy flour, texture, raw material, minced meat, recipe.


Abstract. Taking into account the results of scientific literature research on the development of technology of semi-finished products using biologically active additives, the article is relevant and has practical significance for fish production technology. The article presents the results of chemical composition research, organoleptic evaluation and physicochemical changes in semi-finished products with the addition of non-traditional raw materials and determination of their shelf life. As a result of exploratory research, the optimal amount of soy protein products and the possibility of replacing part of fish raw materials were determined. Whole milk powder was introduced instead of whole milk in accordance with interchangeability norms. In the course of production tests, the possibility of using the MFK-2240 cutlet forming machine for forming balls prepared according to the developed recipes was determined. The introduction of soy protein products into the recipe increases the content of total nitrogen in the cutlets. A comparison of data on the content of nitrogenous substances in fish balls with soy additives shows that the introduction of soy flour and soy texturate into the recipe increased the total nitrogen content in recipes with soy flour by 4.5%, with soy texturate by 10.4%. The study illustrates the possibility of combining freshwater fish with vegetable raw materials to expand the range of biologically valuable food products. Received positive general impressions, harmonious, fishy and sweet-salty taste. The expediency of combining soy flour and soy protein texture with minced fish is proven, as evidenced by high indicators of the appearance, taste of soy and spicy aromatic plants. When replacing part of fish raw materials with soy protein products, an improvement in the consistency and appearance of finished balls is noted. It was established that the amount of dry matter increased in comparison with the traditional formulation by 3.7% when using soy flour and by 5.3% when using soy texture; the protein content increased by 4.7% and 12.1%, respectively. The obtained positive studies indicate the continuation of the study of this technology and require.


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